Thrive Services

"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."



  • Process-Based Therapy (PBT) is a cutting-edge approach to psychological treatment that emphasizes the importance of flexibility and adaptability in the therapeutic process. PBT represents a paradigm shift in mental health care, focusing on the core processes that underlie various psychological issues rather than adhering strictly to diagnosis-specific treatment models.

    What is PBT?

    Process-Based Therapy is grounded in the latest research in psychology and behavioural science. It seeks to identify and target the core psychological processes that are crucial for mental health. By focusing on these processes, PBT offers a more tailored and dynamic approach to therapy, capable of addressing a wide range of psychological difficulties across diverse populations.

    Key Features of PBT:

    Flexibility and Personalization: PBT is highly adaptable, allowing therapists to create personalized treatment plans that are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of each client.

    Evidence-Based Strategies: It integrates a variety of evidence-based therapeutic strategies, including cognitive-behavioral, mindfulness-based, and acceptance techniques, among others.

    Focus on Core Processes: Instead of concentrating on symptoms alone, PBT targets the underlying psychological processes contributing to distress, such as inflexible attention, avoidance patterns, and ineffective coping strategies.

    Skills Development: Clients learn practical skills for managing thoughts, emotions, and behaviors more effectively, enhancing psychological flexibility and resilience.

    Goal-Oriented: Therapy is centered around the client's values and goals, facilitating meaningful changes that align with their personal values and life aspirations.

    Who Can Benefit from PBT?

    PBT is suitable for clients of all ages, from children to adults, dealing with a wide range of psychological challenges. Whether you're experiencing anxiety, depression, stress-related issues, or relationship problems, PBT can be tailored to address your specific needs and help you work towards your personal goals.

    Why Choose PBT?

    Choosing Process-Based Therapy means opting for a holistic and adaptable approach to mental health care. It empowers you to understand and modify the core processes that influence your psychological wellbeing. Through PBT, you'll develop a set of skills and strategies that not only address current challenges but also serve as lifelong tools for maintaining mental health and pursuing a fulfilling life.

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a dynamic form of psychotherapy designed to help clients of all ages live more vibrant and meaningful lives by embracing their thoughts and feelings rather than fighting against them. ACT is based on the principle of psychological flexibility, which involves using mindfulness strategies to develop a more compassionate and open relationship with one's own experiences, guiding actions by one’s values, and committing to change.

    At its heart, ACT helps individuals recognize that attempting to rid ourselves of pain and suffering only amplifies our distress. Instead, it teaches acceptance of what is outside our control, and commitment to actions that enrich our lives. This transformative approach allows clients to:

    Accept their thoughts and feelings: Learning to observe their internal experiences without judgment.

    Be present: Engaging fully with the current moment, which allows for greater awareness and connection to life.

    Identify values: Clarifying what is most important and meaningful, thereby guiding purposeful action.

    Take committed action: Making changes based on one’s identified values, even in the face of difficult or painful experiences.

    ACT is not just about coping with pain; it's about moving towards a life that is fulfilling and aligned with one's values. It is particularly effective for a wide range of emotional and psychological issues, including anxiety, depression, stress, and chronic pain. Through ACT, clients learn to stop avoiding, denying, and struggling with their inner emotions and, instead, accept that these deeper feelings are appropriate responses to certain situations that should not prevent them from moving forward in their lives.

    For anyone looking to navigate life's challenges more effectively, ACT offers a compassionate and empowering path forward. It's about taking meaningful, values-based actions that lead to a rich, full, and authentic life. Whether you're facing specific psychological issues or simply seeking personal growth, ACT provides the tools to live more freely and fully, no matter what life throws your way.

  • Understanding DNA-V: A Comprehensive Approach to Child and Adolescent Therapy

    Welcome to our therapy practice, where we are dedicated to offering innovative and effective therapeutic approaches to support the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents. One of the core frameworks we use is DNA-V, a cutting-edge model rooted in the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). DNA-V integrates key aspects of multiple therapeutic approaches, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Positive Psychology, Emotion-Focused Therapy, and Attachment Theory, to offer a holistic approach to therapy.

    What is DNA-V?

    DNA-V stands for Discoverer, Noticer, Advisor, and Values. It is a flexible, process-based framework designed to foster psychological flexibility and resilience in young individuals. By leveraging the strengths of various therapeutic approaches, DNA-V helps children and adolescents navigate the complexities of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a healthy and adaptive manner.

    The Foundation of DNA-V: Attachment Theory

    At the heart of the DNA-V framework is the concept of attachment. From birth, children form attachments with their caregivers, shaping the foundation of their emotional and social development. These early relationships influence how children perceive themselves and the world around them, laying the groundwork for future interactions and behaviors. In DNA-V, we explore these attachment dynamics to understand and address the root causes of emotional and behavioral challenges.

    The Components of DNA-V: Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions

    DNA-V emphasizes the interconnectedness of thoughts, feelings, and actions, and how they are influenced by social interactions and relationships. Through this framework, we explore:

    The Discoverer: Encourages curiosity and exploration of new experiences.

    The Noticer: Focuses on being present and aware of thoughts and feelings without judgment.

    The Advisor: Represents the inner voice that offers guidance based on past experiences and learned behaviors.

    Values: Helps identify what is truly important and meaningful to the individual, guiding actions and decisions.

    Integrating DNA-V into Therapy

    What sets DNA-V apart is its adaptability. It is not about replacing existing therapeutic practices but enriching them. Whether you are new to therapy or have tried other approaches, DNA-V can complement and enhance your journey. It encourages a deep, process-based understanding of psychological patterns, allowing for a tailored and effective therapeutic experience.

    By incorporating DNA-V into our practice, we aim to not just address symptoms but to foster enduring growth, resilience, and well-being in the children and adolescents we work with. As we delve deeper into the DNA-V model together, we discover more ways to support and empower our young clients on their path to psychological flexibility and health.

    We invite you to explore the benefits of DNA-V for your child and see how it can complement your journey toward healing and development.

  • Applied Positive Psychology is a dynamic and impactful approach to fostering well-being, happiness, and flourishing in individuals' lives. Applied Positive Psychology is not just about fixing what is wrong; it's about identifying and building on your strengths, cultivating gratitude, and embracing the potential for positive change.

    What is Applied Positive Psychology?

    Applied Positive Psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living. It focuses on the aspects of the human experience that contribute to a fulfilling and meaningful life, such as positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement. This approach uses evidence-based techniques to enhance individuals' mental health and overall well-being.

    Key Aspects of Applied Positive Psychology:

    Strengths-Based Approach: Identifying and leveraging personal strengths to overcome challenges and achieve goals.

    Cultivating Happiness: Learning strategies to increase daily experiences of joy, gratitude, and satisfaction.

    Building Resilience: Developing the ability to bounce back from adversity, grow from challenges, and thrive under pressure.

    Enhancing Relationships: Fostering positive and meaningful connections with others to improve emotional and social well-being.

    Pursuing Meaning and Purpose: Guiding individuals in finding and engaging with what gives their life meaning and direction.

    Who Can Benefit from Applied Positive Psychology?

    Applied Positive Psychology is for anyone looking to enhance their well-being and pursue a more fulfilling life. Whether you are navigating life's challenges, seeking to maximize your potential, or simply wish to increase your day-to-day happiness, this approach offers valuable insights and practical tools that can benefit individuals across all stages of life.

    Why Choose Applied Positive Psychology?

    Engaging with Applied Positive Psychology means choosing to focus on growth, well-being, and positive development. This approach empowers you to:

    -Understand and apply your strengths in new and impactful ways.

    -Enhance your capacity for joy, gratitude, and overall happiness.

    -Build resilient and supportive relationships.

    -Live a purpose-driven life aligned with your values and passions.

  • Nutritional Psychology is an innovative field that examines how our food choices impact our brain function, emotions, and overall psychological health. It offers a holistic approach to well-being, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet as a key component in maintaining and enhancing mental health.

    What is Nutritional Psychology?

    Nutritional Psychology is the scientific study of the relationship between nutrition and psychological functioning. It integrates principles from nutrition, psychology, and neuroscience to understand how what we eat affects how we feel, think, and behave. This approach recognizes the role of nutrition in brain health, mood regulation, and cognitive functions, advocating for dietary patterns that support mental well-being.

    Key Principles of Nutritional Psychology:

    Mind-Body Connection: Understanding how nutrients affect brain health and influence emotions, cognition, and behavior.

    Mood Regulation through Diet: Identifying foods that can boost mood, reduce stress, and alleviate symptoms of mental health conditions.

    Cognitive Performance and Nutrition: Exploring the impact of dietary choices on memory, focus, and overall cognitive abilities.

    Individualized Dietary Approaches: Tailoring nutritional recommendations to individual needs, preferences, and health goals.

    Preventive and Therapeutic Role of Nutrition: Using diet as a tool to prevent mental health issues and support therapeutic interventions.

    Who Can Benefit from Nutritional Psychology?

    Anyone interested in improving their mental health and well-being can benefit from the insights of Nutritional Psychology. Whether you're dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or simply seeking to optimize your mental performance and emotional resilience, understanding the role of nutrition can be a powerful ally in your journey towards better health.

    Why Choose Nutritional Psychology?

    Opting for a Nutritional Psychology approach means prioritizing your mental and physical health through informed dietary choices. It empowers you to:

    -Enhance your mood and emotional well-being through balanced nutrition.

    -Support your brain health and cognitive functions with nutrient-rich foods.

    -Adopt a holistic view of health, recognizing the interconnectedness of diet, mind, and body.

    -Make informed food choices that align with your mental health goals.

  • Sand Tray Therapy, a unique and transformative approach to psychological healing and personal development. This innovative therapy combines the insights of neuroscience with the principles of the Satir Model, all within the creative and reflective space of the sand tray. Sand Tray Therapy offers a powerful medium for clients of all ages to express, explore, and understand their inner worlds, emotions, and experiences through symbolic play and storytelling.

    What is Sand Tray Therapy?

    Sand Tray Therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses a tray filled with sand, along with a wide range of miniatures and figurines, to enable a person to construct their own microcosm. This therapeutic technique allows individuals to create scenes in the sand that reflect their personal thoughts, feelings, experiences, and inner conflicts. The process is deeply influenced by the principles of neuroscience and the Satir Model, making it a holistic approach to healing.

    Neuroscience and the Satir Model in Sand Tray Therapy:

    Neuroscience Insights: By engaging in hands-on, creative play, Sand Tray Therapy activates various areas of the brain, facilitating emotional integration and processing. This approach harnesses the brain's natural neuroplasticity, helping clients form new, healthier neural pathways.

    The Satir Model: Incorporating the Satir Model's focus on communication, self-esteem, and family dynamics, Sand Tray Therapy provides a non-verbal mode of expressing complex emotions and relationships. It encourages self-discovery, transformation, and a move towards greater congruence and authenticity in one's life.

    Key Benefits of Sand Tray Therapy:

    Enhances Emotional Expression: Offers a safe and contained space for clients to explore and express emotions that might be difficult to verbalize.

    Promotes Psychological Healing: Facilitates the processing of trauma, anxiety, depression, and other emotional challenges through symbolic representation and reflection.

    Supports Cognitive and Emotional Integration: Helps integrate cognitive and emotional aspects of experiences, leading to deeper understanding and resolution.

    Fosters Creativity and Play: Encourages creative thinking and problem-solving through the act of play, which is therapeutic and healing in its own right.

    Builds Insight and Self-Awareness: Assists clients in gaining insights into their behaviors, patterns, and relationships, promoting personal growth and change.

    Who Can Benefit from Sand Tray Therapy?

    Sand Tray Therapy is effective for individuals across the lifespan, from children to adults, providing a versatile tool for addressing a wide range of psychological issues. It is particularly beneficial for those who find traditional talk therapy challenging, offering an alternative means of communication and expression.

  • Therapeutic Photography, a unique and profound form of therapy that leverages the power of visual imagery to foster healing, self-exploration, and personal growth. Therapeutic Photography involves the intentional use of photography to engage individuals in a process of self-reflection and expression, aiding in the exploration of personal experiences, emotions, and perspectives.

    What is Therapeutic Photography?

    Therapeutic Photography does not require any professional photography skills or expensive equipment. It's about capturing moments, emotions, and thoughts through images, facilitating a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s life situation. This approach can be incredibly powerful in enhancing mental health, offering a non-verbal mode of expression and a unique tool for communication and insight.

    Key Benefits of Therapeutic Photography:

    Enhanced Self-Awareness: Through capturing images that reflect personal feelings, thoughts, and experiences, individuals can gain insights into their behaviors, patterns, and emotional triggers.

    Emotional Expression: Photography provides a safe and creative outlet for expressing complex, painful, or difficult emotions, facilitating a sense of relief and catharsis.

    Perspective Shift: Viewing one's life situations through the lens can offer new perspectives and ways of seeing problems, potentially leading to solutions previously unconsidered.

    Healing and Recovery: The process of creating and reflecting on personal and meaningful images can significantly contribute to emotional healing and resilience building.

    How Does It Work?

    In therapeutic photography, the focus is on the process of creating and interacting with photographs rather than the aesthetic quality of the images. Activities may include taking new photos, working with existing images, or creating photo collages. These images then become a focal point for discussion, reflection, and exploration in therapy, either as part of individual or group sessions.

    Who Can Benefit from Therapeutic Photography?

    This approach is suitable for individuals of all ages and backgrounds, including those dealing with anxiety, depression, trauma, and self-esteem issues, as well as anyone looking to enhance their self-awareness and personal growth. It is also a valuable tool for those who find traditional talk therapies challenging, offering an alternative means of exploration and expression.

  • Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy (MBAT), a transformative approach that combines the practice of mindfulness with the expressive power of art therapy. MBAT is designed to foster self-awareness, emotional healing, and personal growth through the creative process, providing a unique and impactful therapeutic experience.

    What is Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy?

    Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy integrates mindfulness techniques—such as meditation, breath awareness, and present moment focus—with art-making to enhance mental and emotional well-being. This approach encourages individuals to engage in the creative process with an attitude of openness, curiosity, and non-judgment. By doing so, participants can explore their inner landscape, express emotions that might be difficult to verbalize, and develop a deeper connection to themselves.

    Key Benefits of MBAT:

    Enhanced Self-Awareness: Through mindfulness and art-making, individuals can gain insights into their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, leading to increased self-understanding and acceptance.

    Stress Reduction: The act of creating art, combined with mindfulness practices, can be a powerful tool for reducing stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression.

    Emotional Expression: MBAT provides a safe and supportive space for expressing complex emotions, facilitating emotional release and healing.

    Increased Mindfulness: Participants learn to apply mindfulness techniques in daily life, improving focus, resilience, and well-being.

    Creative Development: Engaging in art therapy nurtures creativity and can unlock new ways of seeing and experiencing the world.

    How Does MBAT Work?

    MBAT sessions may include guided mindfulness meditations, specific art therapy projects, and reflective practices. Participants are invited to create art in response to their moment-to-moment experiences, using materials such as paint, clay, collage, or drawing. The focus is on the process of creation rather than the final product, allowing for a non-judgmental exploration of personal themes and emotions.

    Who Can Benefit from MBAT?

    MBAT is suitable for individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and artistic abilities. It can be particularly beneficial for those seeking to manage stress, cope with emotional or psychological challenges, enhance self-awareness, or simply explore a new avenue for personal growth and expression.

  • Play Therapy Interventions provide an engaging and dynamic approach to support children's emotional and psychological well-being. Play Therapy is based on the principle that play is the natural language of children. It offers a therapeutic avenue for children to express their experiences and feelings through a natural, self-guided, self-healing process.

    What are Play Therapy Interventions?

    Play Therapy Interventions utilize the therapeutic power of play to help children address and resolve their problems. It provides a safe and conducive environment where children can play out their feelings and problems, just as adults might talk out their difficulties in a conventional therapy setting. Through play, children can explore their thoughts and feelings freely, leading to insights, resolution, and healing.

    Key Benefits of Play Therapy Interventions:

    Emotional Expression and Processing: Children learn to express and process their emotions in healthy ways, enhancing emotional intelligence and coping mechanisms.

    Behavioral Change: Play Therapy can help children develop more adaptive behaviors and decision-making skills, improving their interactions with others and their environment.

    Enhanced Self-Esteem: By providing a space where children are heard and valued, Play Therapy interventions foster a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence.

    Trauma Resolution: Through specific therapeutic play activities, children can work through traumatic events in a safe and supportive setting.

    Developmental Growth: Play Therapy supports children's cognitive, social, and emotional development, offering a foundation for lifelong learning and growth.

    How Do Play Therapy Interventions Work?

    Play Therapy sessions are tailored to the child's age, interests, and therapeutic needs. Therapists may employ a variety of play and creative expression techniques, including:

    Symbolic Play: Using toys and figures to represent people, experiences, or emotions.

    Creative Arts: Drawing, painting, and crafting to express thoughts and feelings.

    Role-Playing: Acting out scenarios to explore different perspectives and solve problems.

    Games: Structured activities that teach coping skills, frustration tolerance, and social interaction.

    The therapist observes and sometimes participates in the play, guiding the child towards understanding and resolution of their issues.

    Who Can Benefit from Play Therapy Interventions?

    Play Therapy is effective for children aged 3 to 12 years, dealing with a wide range of psychological concerns and life experiences, including:

    -Emotional challenges such as anxiety, depression, and anger

    -Behavioral issues, including aggression, shyness, and social withdrawal

    -Trauma and loss

    -Family disruptions, such as divorce and separation

"Life is not what it's supposed to be. It's what it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference."



  • Payment for Services: Thrive Family Co. requires payment 48 hours prior to each session to confirm it. The therapy fee is $150 per hour, with additional charges for report writing and court fees if incurred.

  • Insurance and Reimbursement: Services may be eligible for reimbursement through third-party coverage such as Employee and Family Assistance Programs, Extended Health Insurance, and ICBC. Clients should verify with their insurer if "Clinical Counsellors" or "Registered Counsellors" are covered. Clients are responsible to submit session receipts for reimbursement. There is no direct billing on the therapist’s part and all sessions must be paid for in advance.

  • Accepted Payment Methods: Payments are only accepted via e-transfer.

  • Session Attendance: To remain active, clients must attend at least one session monthly. On deciding to discontinue services, all outstanding balances must be cleared by the due date.

  • Cancellation and No-Show Policy: Appointments must be canceled 2 business days in advance. Late cancellations incur a $75 fee, while no-shows are charged $150 for the full session cost. Repeated missed appointments may lead to cancellation of future bookings and potential termination of services.

Contact Thrive Family Co.❤️

Practice Hours:


10:00 AM-6::00 PM


9:00 AM-1:00 PM